Knowledge Base - Marketing Master IO

Creating Recurring Notifications

In this article, you'll learn how to use recurring notifications feature.


Recurring notifications in Facebook Messenger allow users to receive regular reminders or notifications for specific events, tasks, or messages. For example, if a user sets a reminder for a weekly meeting, Messenger can send a notification at the same time and day every week to remind the user of the meeting.

  1. Make sure that you have already imported your Facebook page.

  2. Also, make sure that Bot Feature is enabled for your page.


    Let's create a chatbot flow for recurring notifications

  3. Go to Facebook & Instagram > Chatbot Flow Builder


  4. Select the page > Click on Create Messenger Flow > Enter Flow Name and Save


  5. Add a Recurring element in the chatbot flow and connect the node socket


  6. Configure Recurring Notifications by clicking on the element

  7. Enter Campaign Name > Notification frequency > Timezone > Upload Image > Add Title > Enable/Disable Re-optin and save


  8. Add a text element for thank you confirmation.


  9. As we have configured daily recurring messages, we need to add a TimeGap element and set 1 Day


    Let's compose a message that the user will receive after the subscription.

  10. Add a generic element > Upload Image, Title, Description, Redirect URL and Confirm


  11. Add a button > Enter button text > button type > URL and Confirm


    Let's add another message for the next day

  12. You can clone the time gap and generic element and make the edits.


    You can create as many messages as you want. We are keeping this for two days only.

    Configuring Opt-Out Message

Subscribers will receive an opt-out message when the recurring notifications campaign is complete.

  1. Add a text element and connect with the opt-out node socket.

  2. Configure opt-out text and add a quick reply button if needed.


Testing the flow using comment auto-reply

We are going to test our flow using the comment auto-reply method. It means, when we comment on a post then we'll receive a private message containing this flow.

But we need to make a small tweak to use comment auto-reply with private messages.

Limitation: A Post comment does not open the 24hr window for standard messaging.

Let's make a small tweak

We need to add a text message element before sending the recurring notifications optin message. The purpose of the message is to trigger the 24-hour window.

  1. Add a text element before the 1st element > Add a button and connect node socket with recurring notifications optin element.


  2. Save the flow.


Now let's set up a comment auto reply

  1. Go to Facebook & Instagram > Comment Auto Reply

  2. Select the page > Click on Create New Comment Auto Reply


  3. Enable the toggle switch to select the post


  4. Select the post


  5. Enter AutoReply Name, Enable Auto Like, Enable second level comment reply > Enter comment text > Attach optin flow and Confirm.


    Let's go to the post and comment

  6. Once we post a comment, we'll receive a comment reply and DM


  7. Click the Yes Please button to initiate the 24-hour window and subscribe to recurring notifications


  8. The recurring notifications are subscribed and will work as per the configured schedule and send daily deals notifications.

Opt-out or Stop Recurring Notifications

  1. Click the Manage button


  2. Click on Stop these messages


  3. You have successfully unsubscribed from the recurring notifications flow.


Resuming Recurring Notifications

  1. Click on Manage (right above the opt-out message)


  2. Click on Resume These Messages


  3. You have resubscribed to the recurring notifications successfully.
