Knowledge Base - Marketing Master IO

Embedding a Custom form on your website

1. Click on Email Marketing > Custom Forms

Click on Email Marketing > Custom Forms

2. Click on "Create New API Key"

Click on "Create New API Key"

3. Click on the "code" icon

Click on "code" icon

4. Select the Email sequence

Select the email sequence

5. Click on OK

Click on OK

6. You'll get an embed code, copy the code and paste it to your website.

You'll get an embed code, copy the code and paste it to your website.

Embed code Example:

<script src=""></script>
        sequence_id : "397",
        redirect_url_after_submit : "",
        auto_open : true,
        auto_open_delay : 5,
        click_element : "#mybutton",
        api_key : "xuxkZl3a9E4fEKGJvaxH0xwwprX0qzerer3232"

You can make basic customization into embed code as per your preference:




Page Redirection on Form Submit

Must update the correct redirection URL


Form Delay

Manage delay when the form appears (seconds)


Kindly make the necessary edits on the code then embed into your website.

7. Click on OK

Click on OK

7. Your custom form is now visible on your website
