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GMB: Getting Started With Chatbot Flow Builder

A step-by-step process to build a GMB Chat Flow

What is a Chatbot flow?

A chatbot is a software that can speak with users automatically in a human-like, conversational style. They can be connected to Google My Business and social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.

It can help you manage your general customer support without a customer agent.

MMIO Chatbot can:

  • answer questions

  • recommend products

  • qualify leads

  • automate tasks

  • and perform other actions.

Creating A Chatbot Flow

Prerequisite: You must have a GMB Agent in order to create Chatbot flow.

  1. Click Google My Business on the Navigation Pane and Select Flows


  2. Select Agent and Click on Create GMB Flow


  3. Enter a Flow Name and press ok

  4. Now you can see a Chatbot Automation Interface


    1. Elements Section: You get multiple elements to make your ChatBot rich and interactive. It includes Texts, Images, Carousel, GIF, Video, Files, etc.

      You can double-click at the elements section for better usability.

    2. Node Socket: The small circle (we call it "node socket") is used to connect message flows.

Adding Text, and Images

Now let's create a basic GMB flow in MMIO:

  1. Please Right Click on the interface, select a text element and connect the node socket.


    1. You can rename the text if needed.

    2. Message: Click on the message area and enter a message. You can also use Variables and Emojis.


      Protip: You can also Auto Generate messages through the AI option.

    3. Quick Reply: You can add one or more quick reply texts. It's easier for users because they don't need to type anything. They can just click on a quick reply.


  2. Now, Let's create the Next Step for the above messages.

  3. Right-click on the interface > Add an Image element, > Connect the Node Socket with Quick Replies


  4. You can also add Quick Reply within the response steps to make the conversation engaging and effective.

  5. GMB supports 5+ conversation elements such as Text, Images, Carousel, Generic, and more. You can choose the relevant elements and configure them easily by the provided steps.

Using Generic and Carousel elements


Generic Element: It consists of an Image, Title, and Description.

  1. Please Right Click on the interface > select Generic and connect the node socket.

  2. Configure: Click on the generic element box, Upload an image >> Enter Title, Description, and Save it.


  3. Your Generic element is ready.

Carousel Element: A set of two or more generic elements.

  1. Please Right Click on the interface, select Carousel, and connect the node socket.

  2. Configure: Click on the carousel element box, Upload an image >> Enter Title, Description, and Save it.

  3. Repeat the above steps for 2nd card.

  4. You can add more cards by clicking "+" button.

  5. Your Carousel element is ready.

Using Triggers

We have an option to set up flows with specific scenarios and triggers so that our bots answer customers’ questions according to an in advance specified scenario.

Triggers are subscribers' actions or keywords sent in their messages.

How to add triggers in Chatbot Flow?

  1. Please Right Click on the interface, select Triggers

  2. Click on Trigger to configure

  3. Select Trigger type: Keyword based

  4. You can add one or more keyword triggers (E.g., Camping, Backpack)

  5. Select a Match type and Save it.


  6. Now, you need to connect your trigger with the element.

  7. Select the Node Socket in the trigger and connect with the relevant element.


Congratulations, You have successfully created a Chatbot flow and configured a trigger.

Using the UserInput element

A user input element will help you collect data from your subscribers and store it in a database to later segment them and target the right audience with personalized messages.

You can run a messenger ad campaign on Facebook and capture leads using the UserInput element.

  1. Please Right Click on the interface > select Text and connect the node socket.

  2. Add Message within the Text element and add quick replies to initiate the UserInput element.


  3. Right Click on the interface > select UserInput element

  4. Configure UserInput: Click on the UserInput element

    • Select Custom Variable: You can select an existing custom variable from dropdown options and click Confirm Changes.


    • Create New Custom Variable: Click on the toggle button > Enter Custom Variable Name

    • Dynamic or Pre-defined Data: Select Dynamic if you want users to enter their preferred input. If you have any pre-defined data, users will be able to pick from that.

    • Enable Google Sheet: You can enable it and select google sheet to keep the user input data.


    • Click on Confirm Changes button

  5. Connect socket nodes as per the flow.


  6. Congrats, your UserInput element is configured successfully.

Using the Condition element

Conditional elements can be very helpful to make the conversation personalized. You can also validate user inputs by adding condition elements.

Now let's add a condition element for UserInput.

  1. Please Right Click on the interface > select Condition element

  2. Click on the Condition element box to configure


  3. You can create conditions based on Customer Tags, Name and Custom Variables.

  4. Select preferred condition parameter and click Add Condition

  5. Now select a qualifier for your preferred condition and clicks on Confirm Changes


  6. Now add preferred elements for True and False Condition and connect node sockets.


  7. Congrats, the Condition element is done.


Using the Action element

Action elements are one of the very useful elements in chatbot flow. It is

used to trigger a set of predefined actions within the chatbot flow. It basically helps you automate your actions based on users' responses.

For example: You can initiate an email sequence, SMS sequence, or modify custom variables based on users' responses.

This is just an example. There are tons of uses cases of the action element.

Now let's add an action element:

  1. Please Right Click on the interface > select Action element

  2. Click Add action to configure


  3. You can see many types of actions in the selection bar. You can select your preferred action and click Add Action


  4. Here I want to tag the user based on his inputs.


    Protip: You can also select multiple actions.

  5. Click on Confirm Changes and connect node sockets with the relevant element.

Using Product Search Element

The product search element is very useful if you have an e-commerce store. You can automatically display your products within the chat conversation and users can directly navigate to the product page by clicking Buy Now button.

  1. Please Right Click on the interface > select Product Search element element

  2. Click on Product Search element > Select Product and Enter Call to Action


  3. Add a User Input element to grab users' queries for product search.

  4. Add a Text element and request for a product search.

  5. Add one more Text element for the unavailable product.

  6. Add a keyword-based trigger to initiate the flow.

  7. Connect node sockets correctly.

  8. Our first product search flow is now ready.


Using the TimeGap Element

The TimeGap element is a delay manager in the chatbot flow. It's very useful for all businesses to smartly manage the flow and engage users. In the article, we are going to use the TimeGap element to create a customer feedback flow.

  1. Please Right Click on the interface > select TimeGap element element

  2. Click on it and enter TimeGap Value > select TimeGap Unit and click on OK


  3. Now, add a text element asking for customer feedback and include quick replies.

  4. Add one more text element for the Thankyou message.

  5. Connect node sockets correctly.


Using the HTTP request element

Your bot might need to access an external service, on behalf of the user or as part of your business logic. For example, you are looking to generate leads through the UserInput and need to send data to your server. Or you need to get data from the server and send it through chatbot flow.

In this case, the HTTP requests will help you achieve your goals.

  1. Let's create an Inspirational Quotes bot using the HTTP request element.

  2. Custom Variable: Go to Facebook & Instagram > Chat Flow Builder > Custom Variables > Create New Custom Variable > Enter Variable Name and click Confirm


  3. Create a new GMB Flow > Right-click and select an HTTP element > Add a Trigger element > enter a keyword to trigger the flow and click OK


  4. Click on the HTTP element > Add request URL > Click on Test Request Button


  5. Now, you need to map the response.


  6. Please click on the Map Response button > Select correct response value and map it with the custom variable which you have created > click on "+" button and click on "Confirm Changes"


    Make sure you have clicked "+" button otherwise mapping will not work.

  7. HTTP input is done, now we need to add a text element to send the inspirational quote.

  8. Add a Text element > enter a Message > select Custom variable and click on Confirm Changes.


  9. Save the flow > Our inspiration quote bot is ready.
