Knowledge Base - Marketing Master IO

Configuring keywords in MMIO

In this article, you'll learn to configure keyword-based triggers for Chatbot flows.

Keywords are basically words/terms entered by users on Public posts or Private Messages. When a user messages, MMIO can automatically reply to the private messages.

All you need to add specific keywords in MMIO Keywords and connect them with the respective chatbot flow.

Configuring Keywords

Prerequisite: Create a Chatbot Flow within Flow Builder and add a keyword based trigger.

  1. Click Facebook & Instagram on the Navigation Pane and select Keywords


  2. Select Your Page

  3. Click on Create New Keyword - It'll ask you to create a chatbot flow and select a keyword-based trigger. Please follow the steps:


  4. Go back to the Keywords page and here you can see the recently created keyword and chatbot flow.

  5. Now, You can add multiple keywords trigger to the same flow.


    Protip: You can use keywords section to add or remove keywords from the existing chatbot flows. Also, you can disable keyword from here.