Knowledge Base - Marketing Master IO

GMB Agents: Creating and Launching an Agent

In this article, you'll learn about GMB Agents.

Google My Business Agents acts as a middleman between User and Brand. Users can only be able to communicate with your brand through an agent.

Agent Lifecycle

Draft Phase

Preview Phase

Verification Phase

Verified Phase

Launched Phase

Configure basic settings

Preview chat via the link

Google verifies agents details

Verification Approved

Your Agent is now Public

Cannot preview the chat

Can edit the basic settings

Contact details and website verification

The Agent is not yet public

Can build chat

Creating an Agent

Note: Always add country code with contact number. Eg, +91 XXXXXXXXXX

  1. Click Google My Business on the Navigation Pane and select Agents


  2. Click on the "Create Agent"

  3. Select Brand > Enter Agent Name, Logo, and Phone Number > Save

    Note: Agent Name must resemble the verified business name.

  4. Test URLs: Only works on mobile devices.


    Note: You cannot preview in Draft Phase.

  5. Configure Conversation Settings: Set Language > Enter Welcome Message > Privacy Policy URL and Offline Message.


  6. You can also create predefined questions/FAQs. All you need to Enter questions and Select GMB Flow.


  7. Define primary mode of Interaction: Bot or Human


  8. Manage Human Availability Schedule


  9. Enable Entry Points


  10. Configure Non-local Entry Point


  11. Press Save

  12. Scroll to top > Click Activate Preview Mode Button


  13. Copy Test URL and Test on Android or iOS device


    Note: The preview will only work on mobile devices.

  14. GMB Message Preview


Verifying an Agent

  1. Click Google My Business on the Navigation Pane and select Agents


  2. Click on Verify Agent Button and Confirm


    Note: You won't be able to delete this agent while verification is on process. And Once your agent is verified, you won't be able to change your Agent's name and Logo again.

  3. You'll receive two emails from Please follow the steps mentioned to verify the agent.



  4. Draft an email to grant your approval and Send

    I, [name of brand employee] and [title of employee], grant [messaging_partner_name] the right to send Business Messages using the information specified in this email. Security key: [Google-provided security key from separate email]


Now get back to Agents Section and you can see Pending Verification Status. It may take up to 2-3 business days.


Launching an Agent

Once your verification is complete, you can launch the agent.

  1. Click Google My Business on the Navigation Pane and select Agents


  2. At the top left, you can see the "Verification Complete" status.

  3. Click Launch button


  4. Click the Launch Now button (Your Agent will be live to the public once launched.)

  5. Congrats, your agent is launched successfully.