Knowledge Base - Marketing Master IO

Creating an SMS Sequence

In this article, you will learn to automate your follow-ups with text (SMS) sequences.

You can set up a text (SMS) sequence to run in the same way as an email sequence that is distributed to recipients at predefined time intervals.

Sending time-based text messages involves sending them at predetermined times.

  1. Go to SMS Marketing > SMS Sequence


  2. Click on Add New SMS Sequence


  3. Step 1: Enter SMS sequence name, set delay and draft message

  4. Click the "+" button below to add next sequence.

  5. Click on the "Go to Next Step" button to proceedimage.png

  6. Enter SMS Sequence name and select Sender ID

    image.pngWhat is a Sender ID and how to request for it?

  7. Add Trigger to initiate sequence


    The sequence will trigger only when a contact is tagged as "Subscribers".

  8. Click on the Save SMS Sequence and it's ready.
